HEAL of Southern Arizona

Headshot of clueless perplexed young african american man in grey t-shirt looking with confused ...

Just a whiff of cologne, detergent, or tobacco smoke could make a person with MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) sick for hours, days, or longer. People with MCS risk jeopardizing their health to obtain what most of us take for granted: food, medical care, access to businesses, schools, even social contact.

     If someone you know has MCS - a family member, friend, neighbor, client, student, or patient - you can be part of the solution. Simple measures costing little or nothing can improve access for people with MCS while providing good air quality that benefits everyone. Your cooperation will be much appreciated!

Do You Know Someone Who Is Chemically Sensitive?

It Is sometimes difficult to understand the person with MCS.  What is it that they are experiencing, and what is causing it.?

Friends and relatives, please read But You Look Fine For FAQ’s about this condition.


If Someone in Your Household Has MCS or You Plan To Visit Someone With MCS:

Avoid the Eight Costly Hazards You Can Eliminate.

All household members should use the most tolerable of the Less Toxic Products.


Having an overnight visitor? Here is our best advice:

If staying overnight or for long periods, read House Rules and ask the person for a list of their own particular house rules.


 If Someone With MCS Will Visit Your Home:

    See: Preparing Your Home for the Chemically Sensitive Visitor


If Your Neighbor Has MCS:

Avoid the Eight Costly Hazards You Can Eliminate

Please notify your neighbor in advance if you are planning to renovate, paint, or use lawn chemicals or pesticides so that they can keep the windows closed or leave if necessary.